Phaistos Investment Fund starts its investment activity

5G Ventures announces the signing of the Establishment & Management Agreement of the Phaistos Investment Fund, with the Greek State, private investors, and Piraeus Bank as custodian, marking the on-schedule completion of the first fundraising round of the fund.
In detail, the capital composition of the Phaistos Investment Fund, after the first fundraising round, includes:
- The Hellenic Development Investment Bank (HDBI, formerly TANEO), which under an agreement represents the Hellenic State
- The OTE Group / DT
- The Latsco Family Office of Ms Marianna Latsis
- The family office of Mr Dimitris Daskalopoulos
The investment function of the fund focuses on existing and start-up companies active in the research and/or development of 5G and 5G-related products & services in Greece.